P. 9

Closed doors will always keep us from fulfilling our
dreams: that is, they separate us from the best things in life that the Lord has for us.
Closed doors stop the flow of success in our lives. When certain doors are closed to us, we are hindered from attaining our goals. Closed doors also hinder the good things God has for us from coming our way. Closed doors can be obstacles which keep us from fulfilling our destiny in the Lord.
Many individuals, families, marriages, businesses, homes, ministries, and churches are working as hard as they can, not realizing that what is stopping the flow of blessings of God into their lives are closed doors.
The word “Door” is used throughout the Bible. We shall look at a few different ways the term has been used in the New Testament. The Church still continues to use this term in these same ways.
The Bible informs us that Christ is the Door
Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
John 10:7
The Lord used the term, “Door,” referring to Himself being the entrance to the Kingdom of God and eternal life. He is the Door to salvation for all of mankind.
In this case, Christ is an “Open” Door. Until God shuts the door of salvation, it will always be open to mankind
to walk in and find rest. However, the day will come when that door will be shut forever by God, Himself.
One reason we need to pray earnestly for people we are witnessing to is because Satan desires to keep them

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