Page 70 - E- Modul SPSS
P. 70
d. Klik menu options, kemudian ceklist Test of linierity seperti contoh berikut :
Gambar 9. 13 Langkah Ceklist Test of linierity
e. Klik continue, lalu OK.
f. Maka akan muncul output seperti berikut :
Tabel 9. 3 Tabel Anova
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Nilai_Siswa * Between (Combined) 733.825 9 81.536 11.361 .000
Jumlah Jam Groups Linearity 685.061 1 685.061 95.451 .000
Belajar dalam Deviation from
48.764 8 6.095 .849 .572
Seminggu Linearity
Within Groups 143.542 20 7.177
Total 877.367 29