Page 15 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 15
Loving the shop, and especially knowing
as a new player in the industry they are
still building on the products they stock,
which is for sure in line with their
customers demands. Having had a
As mentioned, this shop is a stones wonderful experience learning in the
throw from our front door! store, a few days later I thought... Maybe
Super easy to find as it is situated they'll stock a smoking blend that we
inside a lovely holistic village at 4 swear by...I mean they have all the other
John Vorster Rd, Roodepoort paraphernalia?!
We got what we came for and as Unfortunately they do not.... They
simple as this brand new store is... It confirmed they would add it to the
has this drawing effect? Perhaps out shelves and not 5 minutes later got called
of pure beginner curiosity...? back to tell me that one of their neighbor
stores sell.
We lingered a while purely to ask He made the effort to satisfy a customers
questions about the Hydroponics needs at the expense of a sale?
system he has set up outside their
front door for little veggies (sure... Teeny tiny in comparison to the
Why I actually wanted to tell you ACTUAL point of the shop...)
about them is because of our I know very little about growing hydro,
customer service experience… but what I can say is if you are looking for
something, they'll either help you source
So, before we visited, I contacted it or find where you can get it!
them ahead of time to ask if they had Go glance at their page and see the types
stock of the product I was looking for, of packages and deals they have... (mostly
after seeing it as a product they keep alien to me....) and I would invite you to
online , which at the time, they did pop in to their store when you next in
not have stock of Roodepoort and see for yourself
A day later though, he sent me a msg
confirming the new stock has he owners run things like the ethos of our
arrived??!! community... One Love
Wowzer And now we're seriously looking at
Wait wait... The experience goes one switching from outdoor to hydro... Look
step further... how fancy we just became!
Beautiful store guys! Well done
Detour Hydroponics