Page 19 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 19

On  the  19th  February  Dem  Roots
        celebrated their 1st year Birthday.
        As  part  of  the  celebrations  I  decided
        that  I  wanted  to  celebrate  a  little
        differently.  On  the  build  up  to  the

        birthday, I felt that it should not just be                So  I  felt  that  for  a  community  that
        about the brand but I wanted it to                         uses  its  lungs  to  enjoy  our  favorite
        mean  something.  I  wanted  to  give                      plant  on  a  daily  basis,  it  was  only
        back in some way but didnt want to do                      fitting that we do a little something to
        the usual competition where everyone                       uplift  and  simply  put  a  smile  on  a
        liked,  shared  and  commented  on  a                      face  and  just  to  show  that  not  all
        post and won a prize.                                      times  are  really  bad  and  that  there

                                                                   are good people with good hearts out
        Then while scrolling through my social                     there who will do a little to help. Even
        pages  I  came  across  a  post  where                     if only in a small gesture. So I started
        Cannagrowsome  was  selling  oils  to                      a  raffle  competition  to  raise  some
        raise  funds  for  a  young  lady  with  a                 funds  to  donate  to  the  family.  I  was
        horrible disease. So I contactd him and                    suddenly  overwhelmed  by  response
        was  blown  away  by  the  story  he  told                 from         businesses,brands              and
        me  and  then  after  I  went  and  read                   individuals in the industry and
        further I was in tears.                                    community  who  wanted  to  sponsor

                                                                   prizes towards the raffle.
        There were two things that touchd me.
        Firstly that the young lady in this story                  As  I  am  writing this,  the  competition
        was the same age as my daughter and                        has one week left to go and the ticket
        secondly  it  really  gave  me  a  moment                  sales  are  building.  There  are  20
        of reflection. Here I am enjoying my                       brands  involved  and  3  BIG  mixed
        joints  and  hitting  packed  bongs,  and                  prizes up for grabs. The response was
        here  is a  young  lady  who  has  battled                 not as huge  as I expected but it has
        her whole life for a breath of air.                        been good to see the heart of some

                                                                   of the people and in the end it will be
                                                                   to help make the  lives of one family
                                                                   of  Mum  and  daughter  just  a  little

                                                                   better.  Even  if  just  a  small  gesture,  I
                                                                   know  that  every  little  bit  will  go  a
                                                                   long way with the family and they are
                                                                   already  grateful  just  for  the  love
                                                                   shown  from  the  community.  Here  is
                                                                   the story of Tiana-Leigh, A young girl
                                                                   with  a  BIG  heart  and  even  BIGGER
                                                                   will to keep on going.
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