Page 21 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 9
P. 21


                                                             November  2015  found  us  relocating  to
                                                             Cape Town and to new professionals. This
                                                             time  round  we  are  extremely  blessed  by
                                                             having  doctors  and  surgeons  making
                                                             Tiana a priority and she feels important –
                                                             she  has  even  lost  her  fears  of  hospitals
                                                             due  to  traumatic  experiences  at  the

                                                             previous hospital.


                                                             February  16th  2016  Tiana  underwent
                                                             another  double  lung  lavage  via  ecmo.
                                                             This  time  round  they  could  not  do  both
                                                             lungs  simultaneously.  The  first  lavage  on

                                                             her one lung took 12 hours and the
                                                             following  day  the  remaining  lung  8
                                                             hours.Tiana’s DNA was sent to America to
                                                             the same professor who received her DNA
                                                             at  the age  of 3  weeks in order for more
                                                             research  to  be  done.  Due  to  unforeseen
                                                             complications they were notable to come
                                                             to  a  final  conclusion  on  the  first  set  of
                                                             DNA. Now with two sets of DNA, and our
                                                             permission  they  were  able  to  do  the

                                                             extensive  testing  needed.  Results  came
                                                             back only to inform us that all these years
                                                             Tiana  had  been  misdiagnosed  and
                                                             actually  suffers  from  a  disease  called
                                                             ABCA3  which  is  also  a  rare  and  life
                                                             threatening disease of the lungs.

                                                                                       Photo by Jonathan Cosens
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