Page 16 - Document from Mohit
P. 16
comments. That taught me not to let these negative and all my nerves vanished. Over the series, we
comments bother me. Another milestone that I laughed, spoke about our experiences of meeting
think is very precious for me is ‘Shameless’ because every girl, and discussed the issue on hand. I was
that music video sparked many conversations in- dumbstruck and still in awe of the experience. It
home and globally. I became the face of YouTube’s was just priceless. Everday I wake up and think that
‘Creators For Change’ Ambassador, where I took really has happened.
the ‘No Offence’ project to the United Nations
Head Quarters in New York. This also gave me
an opportunity to work for girls’ education with How do you draw the line between what to share
Michelle Obama. The YouTube series released in with your audience and what not to?
March. This is a significant milestone. I am very As creators, it is essential for all of us to stay sane.
grateful. That needs to be mostly done around people you
have grown up with. You always have to draw a line
Speaking of Michelle Obama, How was that? and make sure you are not crossing anyone else’s’
Meeting her? boundaries. Many times when I am recording a
I will not lie to you about that. I was way too story and my mother is in the background, she gets
nervous. It felt like something has hit me like a annoyed saying she is wearing an old gown, her
truck. There was a big setup; we were rehearsing hair isn’t colored and she is visible in the video and
our bits, writing down questions. After an hour, we asks me if I have anything I care about, and I keep
were informed that she is on her way. My heart was all of that the same.
beating fast as it had never before. I had never felt When I am around my friends and family, I keep
so numb in a room full of people. My mind was that in mind that I, as a person, have chosen to live
blank, and my mouth was dry. Before I knew it, my life like an open book, but not everyone else has.
she was in the room, and I froze. When you have For instance, when I am chilling with my boyfriend,
admired someone for so long, looked up to for there is a line I draw. He doesn’t like being very
years, it gets awkward to decide what to do now. social. I am not a very compulsive sharer either. I do
She came in, and she is a hugger. She hugs you as love sharing and talking about things that matter to
she knows you like she means it. She hugged me, me, but when I am with friends and family around
16 Folklore