Page 17 - Document from Mohit
P. 17

I  have  felt  it  all  the  time—more  of  that  feeling
                                                              on  Khayali  Pulao  than  on  Mismatched.  Dimple’s
                                                              character is very much similar to Prajakta, but with
                                                              Asha, things were very different. The only thing I
                                                              related to her was that we were both girls. There
                                                              was nothing else I could relate to her with. I am
                                                              not 17. I have never been to Haryana before. The
                                                              first time I went to Haryana was for the shoot of
                                                              Khayali  Pulao.  I  didn’t  know  the  language  they
                                                              spoke; I didn’t myself have any friends who spoke
                                                              the  language.  Every  second  I  spent  with  Asha.  I
                                                              was scared. I was trembling. I was scared because
                                                              it delivered a very innocent message, and it is so
                                                              delicate that I didn’t want to overdo or under-do it.
                                                              I was very nervous at the time of Asha.

                                                              Coming  back  to  your  videos,  if  you  put  out  a
                                                              morning  routine  or  a  lockdown  thought  video,
                                                              more  than  a  million  people  would  watch  it.  Do
                                                              you feel pressured by that? Do you ever feel like
                                                              you have to rewrite or edit something because you
         me, I don’t feel the need to compulsively share every   think  the  message  that  the  video  is  sending  out
         detail. With that said, all creators are on their own.   could be problematic?
         They decide what works for them. I just don’t like
         sharing my bad days with everyone; there’s already   Yes, this is an every Thursday struggle for me. I will
         too much negativity out there.                       not lie. Every Thursday, when I put out a video, I go
                                                              into this tiny place in my head where I am constantly
         That sounds fine. Now talking about your             like, ‘Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, I really
         professional life, You have been a very famous       hope all this works.’ I realize that whatever message
         YouTuber, and now you are stepping into an           the video gives out, it will all be my responsibility.
         actors’ shoes. How does it feel?                     It has happened a number of times when I work the
         Honestly, the first time I went on any set just as an   script for the whole week and then one night before
         actor was for Netflix’s upcoming series Mismatched.   we  have  to  shoot,  I  will  be  like,  So  this  doesn’t
         It was the first time I was playing a character that I   work,  we  can’t  do  it.  And  then  I  make  changes.
         had not penned down. I didn’t know anything about    So many times, my team is like- Make your mind.
         her. She wasn’t a fragment of my imagination. The    This won’t work. There are a number of people who
         first few days were really tough. When I gave a shot,   are working on editing your videos. You can’t do
         I  would  go  to  Akarsh,  the  director,  and  ask  him
         how it was? Or could I see it? And he would ask
         me to go and stand there, and they were taking one
         more shot. I had started over-analyzing everything.
         I kept nagging Akarsh. When I wasn’t giving a shot,
         I would stand there and look at the process. The
         first few days were tough for me to detach myself
         from  the  creators’  personalities  and  get  into  the
         actor’s personality. This helped me to spend more
         time with the character instead of having scattered

         Before Working For Mismatched, You have acted
         in a short film Khayali Pulao. How different were
         these two experiences? Did you ever feel like what
         if you are not good enough?

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