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Get That Glow
By- Pihu Trivedi
Winter Beauty Tricks And Tricks For Glowing Skin
The chilling cold and the brutal dryness makes
winters inconvenient, not just for the body but
also for our skin. It loses it’s radiance on ex-
posure to pollution and dryness, making our
already active sebaceous glands hyperactive.
The acceleration in body temperature can lead
to dehydration and heat strokes. That explains
why we need to take care of our skin during
winters, while we can always count on a sound
sleep, a balanced diet and physical activity,
there’s a lot more we can do, here are the tricks
and tips :
Hydration Is The Key
Water regulates our body temperature and
keeps our mucous membranes moist, so
drinking plenty of water even during winter
season is important,. While we get winters
isn’t exactly the weather you would want to
drink a lot of water, but you gotta do that. It
will not just to quench your thirst but to keep
your body energized throughout the day.
Hot Tip: Besides water, there are a lot of
drinks that serve as a healthy option for
hydration. A few of them include - lemon
water, coconut water, herbal tea, fruit juices ent moisturizing helps decrease the appear-
– where orange juice is a great option and ance of fine lines and wrinkles. Winters
vegetable juices- where beetroot juice does call for a good weight moisturizing so as to
wonders for the skin. These hydrating drinks maintain a normal skin balance as it helps
supply a whole lot of electrolytes, sodium, reduce the chances of developing dryness
vitamin, and minerals along with a burst of and other common skin conditions like
flavors. acne.
Hot Tip: You can opt for products from re-
Mosturize It All The Way nowned brands like – Neutrogena moisturiz-
er, Mamaearth oil free moisturizer, Boutique
morning nectar or Khadi natural face gel
Moisturizing perks your skin up, giving you moisturizer. You can also use honey, olive oil,
a healthy fullness. In the long term, consist- glycerin and aloevera for DIY moisturizing
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