Page 34 - Document from Mohit
P. 34

Eat your way to a Healthy                        Hot Tip: Paula’s choice skin perfecting ex-

                                 skin                          foliant,  khadi  charcoal  face  scrub,  Kama
                                                               Ayurveda kumkumadi ayurvedic face scrub,
                                                               Biotique bio papaya revitalizing tan removal
              Treat  your  skin  kindly  and  optimize  your   scrub,  Loreal Paris pure sugar exfoliant and
              nutrition with a balanced diet by including      lotus herbals anti-ageing exfoliant are some
              antioxidant  rich  fruits  and  vegetables  like   of the brands you can trust. You can also use
              watermelon, berries, pineapple, grapes, apri-    home  made  scrubs  with  sugar,  green  tea,
              cots, mangoes, papaya, citrus fruits like or-    honey, coconut oil, lemon, coffee, yogurt, etc.
              anges, cucumber, tomatoes, etc.. nourishing      to do the same. However, it is important to
              the skin with nutrients like vitamin C and E.             not over exfoliate the skin.

              Hot  Tip: A healthy winter diet is the one
              where - Upma, poha, eggs, dry fruits, milk,
              cornflakes  or  oats  can  be  served  as  break-    Exercise for a glowing
              fast options. Chapatti, rice, vegetables, curd,                     skin
              beans,  salad  can  be  served  as  a  nutritious
              lunch  to  the  family,  and  Dinner  includes   Physical activity improves blood circulation,
              light meals, fresh salads and fruity desserts    providing the skin cells with more oxygen.
              for a healthy and glowing skin. Winter is a        Be it Zumba, hitting the gym, walking or
              time when a number of leafy vegetables are       cycling,  any  kind  of  physical  activity  is  an
                   available. Bring that to your table.
                                                                easy way to maintain a healthy skin during
                                                                            chilling cold days

              Sunscreen Is Your New                            Hot Tip: Home workouts are an easy choice

                            Bestfriend                         for  people  who  have  a  busy  schedule,  this
                                                               includes  high  kneeing,  star  jump,  plank,
                                                               squats, sumo squats, lunges, dips, push ups
              Excessive  UV  exposure  can  permanently        and other basic full body workouts. You can
              damage our skin causing sunburn and pre-            also follow YouTube channels for more
              mature ageing especially in a tropical coun-             guidance on home workouts.
              try like India. Applying a sunscreen with a
              broad UV spectrum like SPF 30 is extremely
              important to protect our exposed skin.  It is         Beauty Sleep Is Real
                something you can’t miss even in winters
              Hot Tip: VLCC Matte Look Sunscreen Lo-           Winters can be really dry and dehydrating
              tion  SPF  30  with  Pineapple  Extracts,  Neu-  for the skin. Our body needs time to repair
              trogena ultra sheer dry- touch sunblock SPF      itself and getting enough sleep prevents
              50+, Lakme sun expert + UV lotion SPF 50         signs of ageing like dark circles  and makes
              are  some  of  the  brands  that  can  be  useful   you look fresh and active. A healthy mind
                    against the heat and sun damage.           maintains a healthy body and a sound sleep
                                                               is all what we need to keep us going, so
                             Exfoliate                         Make sure you sleep for at least 7-8 hours a
                                                               day. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, you

              Gentle exfoliation helps removing the dead       can always count on soothing music to com-
              skin cells clogging the skin, treating acne      fort and relax the body and the mind, for a
              and inflamed pores, bringing healthier skin      good sleep leads to a positive and a healthy
              cells to the surface.                            morning.

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