Page 18 - PET 101 EBOOK
P. 18


                                            On the whiteboard draw two columns,
                                            one with sentences (around ten) and
                                            another for writing the word ‘fact’ or

                                            ‘opinion’. Students have to determine
                                            whether ‘fact’ or ‘opinion’ is written
                                            next to each sentence.

                               STATE A FACT OR AN


                Make some chits with the words ‘fact’ or
                 ‘opinion’ written on them. Ask each stu
                dent to come up to the teacher’s table, pic
                k a chit and make a statement accordi

                ng to the word on the chit.

                                      TRUE OR FALSE

                                           A sentence is displayed as fact or an

                                           opinion. Call out students randomly, to
                                           determine whether the sentence is true
                                           or false with explanation.

                                                GATHERING EVIDENCE

               Give a worksheet containing sentences related to a
               topic that was covered in class. Students are

               instructed to verify if the sentences are fact or
               opinions, by finding evidence from their textbooks.
               They should write down the evidence next to each
               statement. After completion, students are asked to
               compare their answers with their neighbor.
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