Page 4 - PET 101 EBOOK
P. 4


                                               WHAT IS READING

                  Reading  strategy  is  a  term  for  actions  or  strategies  that  we  used

                  when reading something. It is a systematic plan that we should apply

                  consciously  to  improve  our  reading.  The  reason  we  used  this  is  to

                  give  meaning  to  the  materials  that  we  read.  If  we  read  something

                  without  understanding  the  meaning,  we  will  not  be  able  to

                  understand anything and cannot get any information throughout the

                  reading  process.  Hence,  we  should  apply  the  strategies  that  we

                  learned  when  we  read.  It  is  essential  for  beginners,  people  who

                  struggle with reading, and English Language Learners. This should be

                  applied  as  it  can  help  us  improve  on  our  reading  skills  and

                  understanding the information or messages that the writer wants to

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