Page 19 - History of Psychology
P. 19

In Chicago the most dominant application of psychology is applied to the field of
             psychology.  education.  John  Dewey  (1859-1952)  pioneered  functionalism  at  the

             University  of  Chicago,  and  his  career  was  marked  by  a  commitment  to  social
             change.  Dewey  views  education  as  the  key  to  individual  and  community
             improvement.  He  uses  psychology  as  a  tool  for  his  social  vision.  In  his  theory,
             Dewey emphasized the totality of movement by arguing that coordination is more
             than a combination of reflexes. Reflexes are part of a coordinated movement that
             is smooth and regular and cannot be separated.

             Then  in  Columbia  developed  the  view  of  functionalism  at  Columbia  University
             which  has  functional  characteristics.  James  Mckeen  Cattell  (1860-1944)  had  an
             interest  in  functional  individual  differences.  Cattell  was  quite  influential,
             supporting  the  use  of  statistics  and  testing  to  strengthen  all  applied
             specializations  in  psychology.  In  addition,  there  are  several  other  figures  who
             helped develop the psychology of functionalism at Columbia.

             Discussion Questions

                 Compare and contrast Wundt's view of psychology with Titchener's!
                 Define the Wundt's theory!
                 What are the major themes the characterized functionalistic psychology?

                 Time                 : 90 minutes
                 Methods         : Presentation and Discussion

                 Material           :

                 Assigment      : Review the contributions made by
                                            structuralism and functionalism to psychology

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