Page 2 - RP log book_Neat
P. 2

I don’t understand how a building could have a ghost like that, normally only living beings

                            can. Times flew and when the sun arose I understood something : the rays of the morning

                            sun were enlightening a path in the mountains, a path with many broken columns and few

                            structures.Like a promenade, and there’s a way to the old buildings with griffons. However

                            now I see them from the sky, it looks like an altar. Could the region have another cult or

                            way of treating deceased persons in the past ? Or is it something from elsewhere as the

                            ruins look like the Forgotten ones ? During my first travels while we were fighting

                            Balthazar, I heard a legend about an “altar of Dakhma” and that they let the dead bodies

                            here, exposed to the sun and the birds. I spent the day drawing my map, and the results are

                            astonishing : the floating castle seems to be big enough to cover the whole distance between

                            the floating structure and the giants’ place, and the stairs & first columns. Could those

                            structures be part of the same complex ? In my opinion, and regarding the different

                            architectures we can find here, the altar and the giants’ path are the oldest parts. The style

                            is the same, the size as well.It presents a more angular shape and not any gold parts or

                            turquoise decorations. While on the other side the palace itself and the floating jackal

                            structure are full or ornaments and with many spherical shapes. Now I plan to visit that

                            djinn and see if he can reply to some questions but I need to get rid of the imps first.

                            Nota Bene :

                            Who was the owner ?

                            How did he end so far away from the other cities ?

                            Was there another city here ?

                            Who builded the first ruins ?

                            Why are all the ghosts looking at the floating ghost palace ?What happened here ?

                            Why are those purple gems on the jars only ?
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