Page 3 - RP log book_Neat
P. 3
Day 14 -A group of bandits accepted to help against some golds. Just like I planned, nor
them or the imps are alive now. The djinn was here and only wanted a fight. After that he
offered to reply to a riddle and chat a bit. He accepted that we sleep here and I don’t
understand how and why I’m now in the altar, in a small room. No doors but that’s
extremely weird.
Day 17 - This djinn is crazy, it’s the fourth time I came back and he always wants to fight.
I’m exhausted and my armor isn’t in good shape at all. The camp doesn’t have any seller or
anything and I don’t want to do all that trip to Amnoon again. I hope that they’ll receive my
letter and find the guide I hired for them.
Day 22 - I can’t wait any longer, the caravane isn’t back and they still aren’t here. This
djinn isn’t invincible and I need to know before someone will ruin that place. I just hope
that this old armor the cavaliers gave me will be enough