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Note from HOD - EHS
Satheesh NT
Dear fellow Earthians,
Most of you followed the happening in the COP26 (Conference of Parties – 26 Annual meet) organised by UNFCC (United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate change) in Glasgow (Scotland, UK) from 31 October to 12 November) after an
year delay due to pandemic headed by the president Mr. Alok Sharma
Around 197 parties (196 States & 1 Regional institution) part of the submit to discuss about the 5 years action plan as per
the 2015 Paris agreement (Cop-22), to achieve the 1.5⁰ target. (to control the climate change).
Thought the changes in temperature is natural (1⁰ increased in last 300 year), but after industry innovation, the increase in
temperature is very high. As increase in earth temperature above 1.5⁰ cause a huge impact on earth including melting of
Antarctic and other ice zones which lead to increase the sea level and may cause loss of lives. Also, it leads to i. Increased
Heat, ii, Droughts and iii, Insect outbreaks which increase wildfire, declining Water supplies, reduced agriculture yields, heat
impact in cities due to heat, flooding and erosion in coastal areas.
The climate change caused majorly by,
1. Burning fossil fuels
2. Deforestation
3. Population Growth
The Four major actions driven in COP26 were,
1. Accelerate the transition from coal to clan power
2. Protect and restore nature for the benefit of people and climate
3. Accelerate the transition to Zero Emission Vehicles
4. Raise climate ambition through science and innovation.
As most of the countries introduced incentive system to promote clean energy few are having the tax system to use the
Fossil fuels. We expect the fossil fuels to be phased out by 2040. The major actions proposed by organisations to the world
leaders are,
1. 100% zero Emission Shipping vessels by 2030, promoting green shipping corridor
2. 100% Zero Emission vehicle buses by 2030
3. 100% Zero Emission cars by 2030
4. 100% Zero Emission Goods vehicles by 2040
5. Reduction of carbon food print – by international civil aviation.
6. Zero carbon procurement by 2040.
US has committed in the meet that they cut its emissions to net zero by 2050, china announced its plans to achieve the same
by 2060. The third largest emitter in the world, India committed remove the usage of fossil fuels by 2070, but to target to
generate 50% of its energy requirements from renewable energy which is an reduction of 1 billion tonnes of emission.
As an energy organisation, it's very important to follow the actions on the climate change, as we have to be prepared in
advance for the changes to be imposed by the national and international bodies (States)
As well we as individuals must put our best effort to reduce the climate change, to hand over the liveable earth to our
children's and grandchildren's', possible actions by us
1. Try to ride bi-cycles, Electric Scooters insist of fossil fuel two-wheeler
2. Practise Walk for smaller distance whenever possible
3. Practise pool car / cab – Follow Covid Protocols
4. Use public vehicles like Electric train - Wherever possible
“Reimagine, Recreate, Restore”