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                                    %u00a9Jack Fritscher, Ph.D., All Rights ReservedHOW TO LEGALLY QUOTE FROM THIS BOOKWhat They Did to the Kid 253always buy my flowers myself,%u201d she had said. She saw me, shook her head, and waved me up.%u201cYou%u2019re laughing at me,%u201d I said.%u201cNever.%u201d She ushered me through her door. %u201cMy roommate is out,%u201d she said. %u201cDoes that make any difference to you?%u201d%u201cShould it?%u201d%u201cCary Grant,%u201d she mocked me, %u201ccome in.%u201d She received me in one of those Breakfast at Tiffany%u2019s black hostess outfits with long pants and a long skirt open in front, where you%u2019d notice, pocket to pocket.I squeezed past her in the narrow hall. She handed me one of the two glasses of wine in her hands. She smiled, closed the door, and leaned against it. %u201cYou%u2019ve never seen anybody do this before,%u201d she said.%u201cWhat?%u201d%u201cLean back against the door.%u201d%u201cNobody in real life.%u201d%u201cDarling,%u201d she said, flagging a hand from her chest out to arm%u2019s length where a finger wriggled at me, %u201cyou%u2019ve never seen real life.%u201d%u201cYes, I have,%u201d I said to contradict her. %u201cBut I%u2019ve never seen a movie where a woman closed a door without leaning on it.%u201dShe looked annoyed, baubles, bangles, bright shining beads, then recouped. %u201cYou need a...big glass of wine. Drink up.%u201d She swung easily by me. She wore one earring, gold and pendulous, that told true gravity even as she rushed to fall posturing on the couch. %u201cSit down, oh, please, sit down, do,%u201d she said. %u201cWelcome to my movie.%u201dI wanted to ask who she thought she was, and who she thought I was.%u201cWhat movie am I?%u201d she asked.%u201cWhat movie are you?%u201d %u201cDarling, I%u2019m Maya Deren in Meshes of the Afternoon.%u201d%u201cNever heard of her.%u201d%u201cI%u2019m Pussy on a Hot Tin Roof.%u201d%u201cVery funny. That%u2019s not Tennessee Williams.%u201d%u201cThat%u2019s the Kuchar brothers.%u201d%u201cWhat are you talking about?%u201d%u201cDarling, underground film. Experimental cinema. Don%u2019t you know anything about the avant garde?%u201d%u201cAt Misery, I was the avant garde.%u201d%u201cDarling, I must take you to the Cinematheque.%u201d%u201cDon%u2019t make me feel ignorant.%u201d%u201cThis is how the world opens up. New words. Discotheque. Dancing to records, discs. Cinematheque. Cinema, movies. Like Bibliotheque. Library, 
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