Page 273 - Demo
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                                    %u00a9Jack Fritscher, Ph.D., All Rights ReservedHOW TO LEGALLY QUOTE FROM THIS BOOKWhat They Did to the Kid 261Hypersensitive.%u201cRelax your lips.%u201dOh.%u201cI always pick flowers myself.%u201dNo one can save everything so long...%u201cWe%u2019re too intellectual.%u201d...and not be easily disturbed.%u201cWe need to feel.%u201dI pulled her to me.%u201cLike this.%u201d I pulled her in close.%u201cLike this.%u201dI tightened my arms around her.Her arms tightened around me.I hurt with undecided tension. I wanted and did not want. Song lyrics rushed through me. %u201cQuiet nights. Quiet stars.%u201d Astrud Gilberto, %u201cCorcovado, Oh, How Lovely.%u201d The lake and moon and sand and stars, the city, the world fell back from us lying in the late darkness. Under the thin lisle stretches of her swimsuit, I felt her warm white body like a nightblooming orchid. My nature quivered through me. Other men would take her, would have taken her long before. I was like other men. I wanted to slip deep down into her, into the idea of her, to be lost forever.She knew my nature. %u201cRyan, oh, Ryan. We%u2019re more than intellect.%u201d She touched me. %u201cLet me make you feel.%u201dI was in a new world...%u201cLet me love you.%u201d...on a beautiful beach...%u201cLet me breathe your breath...%u201d...faced with the mortal sin...%u201c...and breathe back into you.%u201d...that could make me fully human.Swept away, I rose to my knees, vine leaves curling down from my hair, around my chest and arms, lifting her effortlessly, she gasped, halflaughing, half-loving the gesture, like a lake dance on the sand, like King Kong carrying Fay Wray, like Hercules lifting a beautiful girl, feeling some old miraculous Jesus out walking on the water, all white and glowing with starlight, smiling, winking, like Rhett Butler carrying Scarlett, I lifted her, carrying her clinging into the lake, the cooling water rising on my thighs, she murmuring, oh love, oh love, invoking love, the water rising around us, her legs locking in the vine leaves around my waist, in so deep 
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