Page 72 - Demo
P. 72

                                    %u00a9Jack Fritscher, Ph.D., All Rights ReservedHOW TO LEGALLY QUOTE FROM THIS BOOK60 Jack FritscherI jumped, almost knocked from the trunk rack. A loud crashing came from the storage room directly above us: metal, and bits of metal, falling on the concrete floor above and rolling in every direction.Dempsey and I ran from the locker room.Porky sat staring at us.We ran up the stairs. The door was locked. %u201cWhat do they do in here?%u201d I said. We pounded on the door, then listened.%u201cLocked doorssss,%u201d Dempsey said in his hissed Rector Karg imitation, %u201care not permitted at Missssericordia.%u201d%u201cWhere%u2019s Porky?%u201d I whispered.%u201cStill downstairs catching his breath,%u201d Dempsey said.I pounded again. No answer.Another smaller piece of metal fell, rolled, was snatched up into silence. Someone inside giggled and someone else told him to shut up. I recognized Hank and Ski. Ha! Caught! Perfect! I pounded again to make them uneasy. Someone shifted close to the door, then moved away.Dempsey whispered, %u201cGunn better not find out they locked one of Rector Karg%u2019s blessed doors. You can get shipped for locked doors.%u201dWe fled on down the stairs. Porky waited for us outside the locker room.%u201cSki and Hank are up in the storage room with the door locked,%u201d I said to him.%u201cNot smart,%u201d Porky said. %u201cNobody gets shipped if nobody tells.%u201d%u201cWhat%u2019s going on?%u201d Dempsey asked him. %u201cWhat are they doing?%u201d%u201cLifting, that%u2019s all,%u201d Porky said.%u201cLifting what?%u201d I wanted to know.%u201cWeights Hank made, Jerkwater,%u201d Porky said. %u201cThey%u2019ve got these muscle-building magazines from Charles Atlas.%u201d%u201cOh,%u201d I said. %u201cWhat do you know!%u201d If I ever wanted to get even with Hank for anything, I had him right where I wanted, behind what Father Gunn, USMC, disliked most, a locked door. %u201cSo what do you know,%u201d I said. %u201cHank the Tank has fub duck.%u201dFebruary 1957Saturday our classes ran until lunch, and our afternoons were free until our five-o%u2019clock study hall. Gunn programmed Saturday afternoons down to fifteen-minute play-and-work periods. His intramural teams did double-duty for the Father-Treasurer as paint-and-scrub crews, washing out the jakes, or painting window sashes in periods between their games. Ski%u2019s 
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