Page 205 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 205

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                                               Robert Payne, Editor

        "If a  man does not keep poce
        with hrs companions. perhaps It
        Is because he hears o different
        drummer.  Let  him  step  to  the
        music; whfeh he hears. hOwever
        measured or tor CMUY ••
               Henry David Thoreau

         4  BODIES BY  GLASER
            A  new body of work by the astounding Nina Glaser.
            Cum a/on,, as Sir take.s you ro Switzerland to sample something   Ten  years  ago  this  past  month,  the
             more luscious than Swiss chocolates.
                                                                             LEATHER  FRATERNITY  threw  a  charity
         15  REPORT                                                          slave auction on a Saturday night In Los
            Leather news from everywhete sent  in  by you.                   Angeles. An ever-watchful snoop at the
         16  DRUMMER FORUM                                                   post  ofOce  intercepted  an  Invitation,
            The  Drummer philosophy marche on.                               tipped off the LAPD Vice Squad and the
         18  MAUCALL                                                         little event made considerable history  At
                                                                             that time, ii $eemd that Edward M. Davis,
            Send it  in, we'll probably print it.
                                                                             police chief.  was  preparing  to  run  for
        21  DRUMMEDIA                                                        governor and this was his chance at the
            The  latest  in  books,  ftlms  and videos of interest to Drummer   soh underbelly or the gay community-
            readers.                                                         leathetmen,  whom  he  equated  with
        27  ACTION SECTION: PERFORMANCE by Michael Agreve                    child  molesters  and  axe  murderers.  A
            An exciting tearhersex you'll never forgive yourself for   real auention geuer. a SLAVE AUCTION I
            missing, by a prizewinning aurhor.                                He was at lea. st partially right. When he
        38  BOUND FOR  GLORY  (Part Four) by Mason Powell                    sent  one  hundred  and  seven  troops,
            THE  FEAR-MAD  KING:  Gonar  takes  on  a  new servant  and      accompanied  by  helicopters  and  loc;al
            together  they  set  forth  on  their  journey  to  rescue  Prince   television news cameras (which just hap.o
            Hrendel.                                                         pened to be In the neighborhood at one
                                                                             in the morning), it hit che fronc pages of
        46  DRUMSTICKS                                                       new-.papers all across the nation. Mostly
        47  THE SEARCH  FOR MR. DRUMMER                                      because there wasn't much of anything
            The past Mr. Drummers line up for inspection and on the flip     else happening that particular weekend.
            side of the foldour is your MR. DRUMMER POSTER I                  When the big bust turned out 10 be a
        S6  DEAR SIRI                                                        falsie, ol'  Ed  lied a  llllle and said there
            Our kinky classified  deparcmen<  wherein our advertisers and    were  "only"  sixty-some  cops involved
            readers both get Lheir words' worth.                             and that  he w;ssn't directly  involved.
                                                                              The  Fuu  also  raided  the  home~ of
        75  KINKS AND SAFE SEX bf  Bud Cl.rte                                DRUMMER's  publisher  and  Its  editor,
            Sale sex  certainly doesn t  have to be dull, quite the contrary.
                                                                            1he11  automobiles,  orfices and  printing
        77  SPECIAL: SOURCE CATALOG SUPPLEMENT                               plant. Everyrhlng collected by the raid's
        86  LEATHER NOTEBOOK by Lury Townsend                                mastermind,  11.  Lloyd  Martin,  was
            Our rimeleH learhermaster gives ouL some timely advice.          thrown out by a pre-trial judge but, moti·
                                                                            vated mo$tly by a fea1 of Davis, the prose·
        87  DRUM  by Bill Ward
                                                                            cutlon marched on under the auspices of
        91  DRUMMER  DADDIES                                                 OistrlC1  Attorney  John  Van  de  Kamp,
            What  does it  take to make a real Daddy/ son relationship?      now  Callfornta  Attorney  General.  LA.
        94  SLAVE TYPIST by Jar Shaffer                                     City  Attorney  Burt  Pine,  refused  to
            We gor ii in che mai just like this with corrections by his Master.   prosecute  any  of  the  forty  people
            Punishment to follow . ..                                       arrested that night.
                                                                              Telephones were  illegally  tapped  for
        96  TOUCH CUSTOMERS                                                 some time, defendants followed and the
            Here i5  anocher group of hot and horny hunks ju5t  waiting.
                                                                            printing offices were graced with clan·
        98  IN PASSINC                                                      destine visits at night in hopes of finding
            Leaving one's mark on the slave                                 some  kind  of  evidence  of  <1nyrhing.
                                                                            There  was  another  raid  one  morning
            Cover; Joe went out ;ind found his own nnc11c1:11e for Mr. Drummer '86,
            phor.osr.iphed wearing /fule more thin "  up <1nd a Honda Gold Wing   when  printing  plant  employees  were
            OppO!llt Page.  Audience 111  the Mr  Drummer show, 100 numerous to give   herded into offices and the entire place
            individual crt<li1 10. We C<iln't even determine who look It.   gone  over,  looking  for  who·knows-
                                                                            what.  A  half·dozen TV  and radio  news
                                                                            crews  rushed  over  and  Martin  and  his
                                                                            squad  suddenly  became  very  polite,
                                                                            storming  off  with  more  " evidence"
                                                                            which  was  quietly  re1urned  after  we
                                                                            received a  postcard to come down and
                                                                            retrieve our property.
                                                                                          comlnuecl on page 16
                                                                                                   DRUMMER  J
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