Page 207 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 207
Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
Robert Payne, Editor
'1f o man does not keep pace
with his companions. perhaps 1t
Is because he hoers o dlfforonf
drummat Let fllm step to the
musrc which he heors. however
measured or for away ..
Henry David Thoreau
We arc at the beginning of our bu5•esl
time of year Here come~ our birthd3y
month. which alway~ includes Gay P11de
4 WOLF'S DADDY Week and the Mr. Drummer Contest,
Daddy's lloy call> rhe shou ancl you won'f be able put Ir down
until the tw1Sted ending. Or have we said too much! among other thmg~. Already, Mr.
Drummer regional wlnne1s are being
6 DADDY'S ARE .BIGGER THAN MOTHER'S announced. the photos of ~hows .ill
You haven'l leen nipples like these since you were weaned. Thh around 1he countly are .arriving, and
daddy's gor more than you can handle. planning Ir, beiog flnalii:t'd for the finals
10 BREAKING IN DADDY by Robert Payne to be held at Trocadero Tran\fer In San
Our Master<aletelter lets us in on a not-so-tracJitJOnal daddy/ mn Fr.inchco. Order) are already arriving for
relationship. tickets 1hat h.>ven'c been prrntPd yN and
11 looks like our eleventh anniversary will
Sneak peeks from 1he forthcoming video Care & Training or the be our biggest one to d;iu~.
Male Slave. II was deC'ided in our inf mite wisdom
that this i~ue of DRL'MMCR would be
15 REPORT devo1ed to Daddies and their boys After
Our grab bag of newsworthy leather info, lovingly assembled all. Drummer D.>cldie< practicall)
from what you send U). lnvenled the phenomenon of The
17 DRUMMER FORUM Search tor O lder Men. There are wuhin a
18 MALECALL couple of the hottest stones we can
remember abou1 Daddies and ~evcral
26 LEATHER BULLETIN BOARD for-re.ti Dclddy/ boy relation)hips are
Frank O'Rourke keeps you abreast of rhe bike club scene. 1mmottallzecl on film and on th~c
27 BOUND FOR GLORY (Part five) by Mason Powell p.tge~. We .tre talking now about grown-
"The Road to Rhengfef:" As this saga conrinues, our tire/es~ trio ups for "boys' and mature m<'n for their
wind up in the clutches of the Falcon Malh daddies. I 1 i~ not a new Idea, but It f!t one
47 SPANKING that has come into its own again 10 stay.
There's nothing like a rfip 10 rhe woodshed with a good of' II won't be 100 long before our 1ss1.1e
pant)·down spanking 10 make good boy) out of bad. 100, for which we have great plans Who
would have thought all tho>e ago
56 DEAR SIR! that DRUMMfR would be around tor ii
Looking for a daddy or a sonf There's no better place to find one. hundred Issues When we 1hink of the
75 DRUMMEDIA/ MOVIES blood, ~weat and tea~ and other body
A look at the myriad of films shown at the Cay Film Festival. fluids that wen1 ln10 those Mucs, ii is
78 DRUMMEDIA/VIDEO enough to mJl.e even this computerrLed
What's new from vanilla sex to spanking in home videos. typewriter steam up One doesn't
exchange body fluldi th~ days. other
79 DRUMMEDIA/ BOOKS than tho\e from these pag~. we hope.
TR Witomski gives the lowdown on Terence Seiter'!. The Cor- By the lime you read thrs, Pdtr1ck
rect Sadist.
Toner, Mr. International leather '85, will
86 LEATHER NOTEBOOK by Larry Townsend have handed ht\ mantle over to his ~uc
87 DRUM by 8111 W;ud ce~sor. He will have one mort- m<1Jor duty
90 COMPLETELY SHAVED DADDY that we know of, to be the co-chairman
Everybody's getting shaved and we preview some stills from two or the Goly Pride Parade in San fr.cndscu
new )havmg videos in which even Daddy gets )haved. at the end of lune. We are proud of
Patrick, whom we were the first to pho-
94 DADDIES AND DADDIES' BOYS 1osn1ph. and who worked for u~ at the
A club for daddies and their )Om everywhere. Stud~rore on rolsom tli\ year as title-
96 TOUGH CUSTOMERS holder ha!. been an excellent one~ wa~
98 IN PASSING the reign of former Mr. Drummer, Luke
Some heavy self-abuse. Is this guy nuts/ Daniel. durrn8 hi$ a~ International
Mr le3ther. Both men have given of
themselv~ and their time generously
Cover ;ind Oppo>1tt' P;igc. lJ;idiJy Ken rralm anorhw boy, from Rob~t P•ynl'\ and unsclhshly for the good of the
C.ire & Tr;iinllig or lhe Male Sl.1vc Photoi by Joe
leather community. We ir<? proud of
them and of our connection wuh them
and .ire also looking forward to the
aowning of 1he next Mr lntern.11tonal
leather thi~ month
John 11 Cmbrv