Page 18 - OB Risks - Delivering the Goods (Part Two)
P. 18

SVMIC Obstetrics Risks: Delivering the Goods

                 appropriate institution. A thoroughly documented plan will aid

                 in defending and justifying the care given in the event a claim is

                 Despite VBAC being a high-risk delivery, some women choose

                 to attempt a trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC). The Mayo
                 Clinic notes that common reasons for choosing a trial of labor

                 after cesarean include:

                     •  Impact on future pregnancies: if the patient plans to have
                        more children, VBAC may help the patient avoid the risks

                        of multiple cesarean deliveries in future pregnancies.

                     •  Lower risk of surgical complications: successful VBAC

                        may lessen the risk of excessive bleeding, deep vein
                        thrombosis, and infection, and it may decrease the risk of a

                        hysterectomy and injury to abdominal organs, such as the
                        bladder or bowel.

                     •  Shorter recovery time: a VBAC is a shorter hospitalization

                        period than that of a repeat C-section. Chances are the
                        patient will be able to resume normal activities sooner after
                        VBAC than a C-section.

                     •  Opportunity for an individualized birth plan: for some

                        women, it is emotionally important to experience a vaginal

                 Regardless of a patient’s preference, not every woman is a

                 candidate for VBAC. According to ACOG, a woman attempting
                 a VBAC has a higher risk of uterine rupture than with an elective

                 repeat cesarean delivery.  Most women who attempt a VBAC
                 are successful, with the success rate ranging between 60-80

                 36     Id.
                 37     Id.

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