Page 22 - OB Risks - Delivering the Goods (Part Two)
P. 22

SVMIC Obstetrics Risks: Delivering the Goods

                 complications may include puerperal infection,  complications
                 related to emergency hysterectomy,  and other complications
                 related to the surgery itself. Consider the following case:

                                             C A S E  S T U DY

                       A 22-year-old gravida 2, para 1, who had a previous cesarean

                       section on October 19  because of oligohydramnios and
                       eventual fetal distress that resulted in a viable infant,

                       presented to her OB the following year on March 3  for
                       her first prenatal visit. The pregnancy continued with no

                       serious problems, and pelvic ultrasounds confirmed an
                       estimated date of confinement of October 4 . On August
                       25 , she had an appointment with her OB who made a
                       note of “vaginal birth after cesarean section counseling”.

                       There was no written description of the discussion beyond
                       that short note.

                       The patient’s adherence to prenatal visits was sporadic in

                       the latter part of pregnancy with a couple of no-shows.
                       She presented to labor and delivery on September 27
                       in the afternoon and was evaluated for decreased fetal

                       movement along with the abdominal pain. She was not

                       seen by a physician at that time. The nurse discharged the
                       patient after evaluation, and the patient again returned
                       early the following morning at 2:28 am with similar

                       complaints of contractions and decreased movement. All

                       blood pressures were normal at that time. The cervix was
                       noted to be dilated at 1cm with a 50 percent effacement at
                       a -3 station. Membranes were intact and, again, the patient


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