Page 25 - OB Risks - Delivering the Goods (Part Two)
P. 25

SVMIC Obstetrics Risks: Delivering the Goods

                             particularly in comparison to her previous pre-labor
                             blood pressures. There was no laboratory evaluation

                             of this and no urine protein until after delivery, at which
                             time it was 1+ and there was no blood evaluation nor

                             was there any mention of edema. The patient should
                             have been given magnesium sulfate during labor and

                             delivery as soon as the she was stable and it was
                             feasible to do a C-section.

                         4.  There were non-reassuring fetal heart tracings

                             well before the 9:08 pm final change in tracing. As
                             early as 5:30 pm, there was a significant change in
                             variability. Variable decelerations began occurring and

                             worsened about 8:35 pm. Then at 9:14 pm, there was

                             a 6-minute loss of fetal heart tracing entirely. There
                             was bradycardia and then eventually loss of the fetal
                             heart tracing.

                         5. Insufficient progress notes were made in the hospital

                             record; the documentation recorded by the two
                             covering OBs was poor.

                         6. An order sheet on the hospital record related to the
                             VBAC was entirely blank, so there was no apparent

                             informed consent that occurred during the hospital
                             stay related to the VBAC. Moreover, the documentation

                             by the regular OB relating to VBAC risks was deficient.

                         7.  She was a high-risk patient for uterine rupture and

                             appropriate precautions were not in place.

                         8.  A change in the amniotic fluid indicated fetal stress

                             and the baby began to have meconium; there was no

                             response to these conditions.

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