Page 36 - OB Risks - Delivering the Goods (Part Two)
P. 36

SVMIC Obstetrics Risks: Delivering the Goods

                   Peripartum Conditions

                     •  Temperature greater than 100.4 F (intrapartum)

                     •  Suspected or proven infection

                     •  Bleeding, of magnitude beyond “show” (e.g., suspected
                        abruption placenta, placenta previa, vasa previa, etc.)

                     •  Oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios

                   Fetal/Neonatal Conditions

                     •  Still birth (antenatal or intrapartum) or neonatal death in
                        the delivery or operating room

                     •  Multiple births

                     •  All major or minor congenital anomalies

                     •  Fetal growth restriction

                     •  Hydropfetalis or an edematous placenta

                     •  Meconium (thin or thick) noted on admission or occurring
                        in labor

                   Immediate Neonatal Course

                     •  Apgar scores of 5 or less at five minutes

                     •  Suspected neonatal infection

                     •  Suspected encephalopathy

                     •  Cord pH less than 7.1

                     •  Gross placental anomalies


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