Page 6 - Part 2 Collaborating with Advanced Practice Providers - An Overview of State Rules
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SVMIC Collaborating with Advanced Practice Providers
protocol is meant to define the role of the APP and not unduly restrict
his or her services. It should be as specific as possible without setting up
such a highly detailed protocol that adherence is difficult or the protocol
gets in the way of patient management. APPs may encounter a patient
whose condition falls outside of the approved protocols. In such cases,
the APP may consult with the supervising physician or refer the patient
to another facility equipped to provide appropriate care. The APP should
document the consultation and/or referral and these cases may trigger
review by the supervising physician. Most protocols and CPAs require
pre-approval by the state board. Protocols and CPAs are required to be
available at the practice site. Protocols and CPAs should be reviewed
and updated at least every other year (annually in Arkansas).
Notice of any change or termination of a protocol or collaborative
agreement must be given to the applicable boards within a defined time
period which is found on the state board website.
In 2018, the state of Virginia passed legislation that eliminates the
requirement for a practice agreement with a patient care team physician
for a licensed nurse practitioner who has completed the equivalent of at
least five years of full-time clinical experience and submitted an
attestation from his patient care team physician stating (i) that the
patient care team physician has served as a patient care team physician
on a patient care team with the nurse practitioner pursuant to a practice
agreement; (ii) that while a party to such practice agreement, the patient
care team physician routinely practiced with a patient population and in
a practice area included within the category for which the nurse
practitioner was certified and licensed; and (iii) the period of time for
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