Page 11 - Part 2 Collaborating with Advanced Practice Providers - An Overview of State Rules
P. 11

SVMIC Collaborating with Advanced Practice Providers

               Supervising or Collaborating Limits per State

               Is there a limit on the number of nurse practitioners and/or

               physician assistants that a physician can collaborate with or

               supervise? The number or ratio of APPs to supervising and/or

               collaborating physicians varies by state. See below for specific state

               limitations in the SVMIC coverage area. Where silent, many states
               suggest the American Medical Association’s general guideline that

               appropriate supervision should be determined by physicians at the

               practice level, consistent with good medical practice and state law

               where relevant. Note that for the states with defined limits, the range is

               from two (2) to eight (8) APPs. If a provider currently or later intends to
               enter into a supervisory or collaborative relationship with a number of

               APPs, in addition to the state rules, there are other risk management

               considerations including availability to mentor, consult, review and

               document efforts.


               The physician may not enter into collaborative agreements that exceed

               a cumulative 160 hours (four full-time equivalents) per week (including
               any combination of CRNPs, midwives or PAs.) unless an exemption is



               There is no defined limit.

               5  Ala. Admin. Code r. 540-X-7-.26(2).

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