Page 16 - Part 2 Collaborating with Advanced Practice Providers - An Overview of State Rules
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SVMIC Collaborating with Advanced Practice Providers

               than twice a year and meet with the PA no less than quarterly. The

               supervising physician must provide adequate means for communication

               with the physician assistant. Communication may occur through the use
               of technology which may include, but is not limited to, radio, telephone,

               fax, modem or other telecommunication device. A pre-approved

               covering physician is allowed to be present in lieu of the supervising



               The supervising physician must visit the practice site at least once every

               30 days.


               The written practice agreement must be approved before changes in
               supervision, authorization or scope of practice. Stricter rules apply to the

               supervision of physician assistants in emergency room settings.

               Advanced practice nurse practice agreements must include provisions


                   1.  How often the supervising physician will review patient charts and
                       visit remote practice sites;

                   2.  The appropriate degree of “physician input on complex clinical

                       cases and patient emergencies and for referrals”; and

                   3.  The advanced practice nurse’s “authority for signatures,

                       certifications, stamps, verifications, affidavits, and endorsements.”

               11  Miss. Code Ann. §73-26-5 (1.7)
               12  Va. Code Ann. § 54-1-2952(A
               13  18 Va. Admin. Code § 90-30-122(B); see Va. Code Ann. § 54.1-2957(B).

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