Page 23 - Part 1 Introduction to Telemedicine
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SVMIC Introduction to Telemedicine
checks for the elderly and provider-provider specialty
consultations like teleradiology and teleneurology can save not
only hours (or days) of time, but also provide access to high-level
specialty resources that would be impossible to provide in person.
Specialty Access
It is simply impossible to provide immediate physical access to the
full range of medical experts for every American; the geography is
just too great. When the problem depends solely on the transfer of
information, it is absurd to transport the patient when transmitting
the information between providers is so easy. This logic has been
successfully applied used by both rural and urban practitioners to
gain access to specialties like toxicology (poison control),
neurology, dermatology, cardiology, pathology, radiology, wound
care, rehabilitation and occupational medicine and even critical
Telestroke services are a poster child for the successful provision
of highly specialized expertise in emergency settings, even to
hospitals well-equipped with diagnostic and treatment resources.
Having an experienced expert available 24 hours a day, who can
conduct a precise video examination (through the proxy of a local
clinician), review online imaging studies and recommend
intervention at the highest standard has improved treatment times
and outcomes for acute neurological conditions across the U.S.
Similar approaches have been taken in other critical care and
emergency specialties. Let’s review the following case:
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