Page 27 - Part 1 Introduction to Telemedicine
P. 27

SVMIC Introduction to Telemedicine

                   are limited. This has been proven to reduce mortality and disability

                   related to combat injuries, and it also improves the quality of care
                   for a wide range of medical and surgical conditions. It enables

                   consultation between front line providers and almost any specialty.
                   The DOD is also actively testing systems for telerobotic surgery.

                   Telepsychiatry and Behavioral Health

                   The provider’s physical presence is less critical than his or her

                   expertise for managing many issues in behavioral health.
                   Shortages of services and lack of access to specialists impacts

                   nearly every aspect of behavioral medicine, from the most basic

                   screening and triage, to interventions for specialized problems like
                   substance abuse, suicide risk and domestic violence, to ongoing

                   care of chronic illness. One telepsychiatry vendor claims that 57
                   percent of patients presenting to the ED with a behavioral health

                   problem leave the facility without treatment.  Tele-behavioral
                   health creates access where it was unavailable before, stretches
                   resources efficiently and is highly acceptable to patients.

                   Limited English Proficiency and Hearing Impaired

                   TTY services  for deaf and hard of hearing patients have been
                   available for decades; but, a quantum leap in effectiveness can be
                   provided by an expert sign language interpreter, participating via

                   video conferencing. This identical format can also be used for
                   foreign language translation. The Affordable Care Act specifies

                   standards for video remote interpretation services:

                   11  Avizia. 2018. Tele-behavioral health: reducing the mental health burden on emergency departments.
                   12  Teletypewriter, developed in the 1960s, transmits text characters to special terminals over phone lines.
                   13  45 CFR Part 92 Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities; Final Rule. Federal Register Vol. 81, No. 96
                   Wednesday, May 18, 2016, p. 31470

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