Page 31 - Part 1 Introduction to Telemedicine
P. 31

SVMIC Introduction to Telemedicine

                              Respondents strongly/somewhat agreeing with the
                                                 following statements

                      I would choose a primary care doctor who uses data          38%
                      from patient’s wearable devices to manage health                  50%
                            outcomes over one that does not                  29%   40%

                      I would choose a primary care doctor who offers                 46%
                     virtual care treatment options over one that does not               52%
                              (e.g. video conference call)                       37%
                       I would choose a primary care doctor who offers a                    59%
                         patient app (which allows patients to make                               70%
                      appointments, see bills, view health data, etc.) over                  60%
                                  one that does not                                     51%
                      I would choose a primary care physician who offers                     61%
                         home care treatment over one that does not                          61%
                      I would be open to virtual care treatment options as                    62%
                       an alternative to in-office doctor’s visits for non-                    64%
                                   urgent matters                                          57%  66%

                                                            0%   10%  20%  30%  40%  50%  60%  70%  80%

                                All     Millennials (18-34)  Generation X (35-54)  Baby Boomers (55+)

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