Page 29 - Part 1 Introduction to Telemedicine
P. 29

SVMIC Introduction to Telemedicine

                   These are just samples of the myriad creative uses that providers,

                   patients, social services and families are finding for telehealth.

                   Formal research on telemedicine outcomes and effectiveness is

                   expensive and slow; there is a significant lag time between

                   research and publication. Most active telemedical programs were
                   implemented before proof was readily available for benefits or cost

                   impacts. It is likely that the proliferation of telemedicine will
                   continue to outpace rigorous evidence, because the concept has

                   such appealing face value.

                   However, the literature that exists has been supportive. According
                   to a 2016 analysis of 58 systematic reviews of telehealth literature

                   by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ):

                          A large volume  of research reported that telehealth

                          interventions produce positive outcomes when used for

                          remote patient monitoring, broadly defined,  for  several

                          chronic conditions and for psychotherapy as part  of

                          behavioral health. The most consistent benefit has been
                          reported when telehealth is used for communication and

                          counseling or remote monitoring in  chronic conditions

                          such as cardiovascular and respiratory disease, with

                          improvements in outcomes such as mortality, quality of

                          life, and reductions in hospital admissions.

                   14  Totten AM, Womack DM, Eden KB, McDonagh MS, Griffin JC, Grusing S, Hersh WR. Telehealth: Mapping the
                   evidence for patient outcomes from systematic reviews. Technical Brief No. 26. (Prepared by the Pacific Northwest
                   Evidence-based Practice Center under Contract No. 290-2015-00009-I.) AHRQ Publication No.16-EHC034-EF.
                   Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; June 2016.

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