Page 21 - Part Two Risk Reduction Series - Documentation
P. 21

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series: Documentation

                   that pre-populated findings include normal as well as abnormal

                   findings already built into the template. Take the time to review

                   which boxes have been checked and unchecked to make sure it
                   accurately reflects the visit. Before signing the note, be sure to

                   review the entries documented by staff. If their selection is

                   inconsistent with the provider’s, this discrepancy creates questions

                   about the credibility of the entire visit.

                   Finally, it is also important to print the office note periodically to
                   see what is in the printed version of the record. In some EHR

                   systems, what appears to be present in the office note when

                   reviewed from the computer screen may not be the same

                   information that is included when the medical record is printed. If

                   the EHR system automatically populates parts of the office visit
                   note from a medication list, allergy list or medical history, it is

                   important that a provider knows that these data sources will also

                   need to be reviewed for accuracy.

                   Pitfall #4 – Inconsistent Processes Among Users

                   The adoption of an Electronic Health Record system in the practice

                   almost always requires changes in office processes and workflows.

                   Coupled with the fact that not all physicians and staff are
                   comfortable with use of the EHR, this may lead to the creation of

                   workarounds to accomplish the same level of productivity that was

                   achieved prior to the adoption of the new system. Unfortunately,

                   these workarounds then lead to inconsistent processes and a lack

                   of standardization with documentation.

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