Page 22 - Part Two Risk Reduction Series - Documentation
P. 22

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series: Documentation

                   Some practices continue to rely on a paper record even after the

                   adoption of an EHR. The use of a paper and EHR records for a

                   patient makes it impossible to identify a single source of truth for
                   the patient’s health information. Information in one or both records

                   can be incomplete or inaccurate which creates risk for the

                   provider as well as other providers covering for him or her. It

                   should also be noted that, increased likelihood of medical error

                   can occur during the conversion from a paper system to an

                   electronic system, or during upgrades within the electronic system.

                   Avoiding the pitfalls of inconsistent processes can only be

                   accomplished with office-wide focus on the creation of standard

                   processes for use with the EHR. Eliminate duplicating medical

                   record documentation in multiple systems. Select one system and
                   convert all medical records to the system chosen, and conduct

                   training to ensure staff and providers are knowledgeable and


                   Cloned notes may have entries worded exactly like previous

                   entries, may lack specific individual information and may give the

                   appearance that every patient visit details the same exact problem,
                   the same symptoms and required the same exact treatment. If

                   notes are audited by Center for Medicare Services or a private

                   payer and notes appear to be cloned, this may raise red flags

                   about whether the actual care was provided to support the level of

                   coding billed.

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