Page 33 - Part 1 Navigating Electronic Media in a Healthcare Setting
P. 33

SVMIC Navigating Electronic Media in a Healthcare Setting

                   internet during this down time. In the event of an adverse outcome
                   and a claim is asserted, it would be an obstacle to the defense if it

                   were discovered that the provider was on social media or the

                   internet during the patient’s procedure. In 2011, there was a case
                   that involved a 61-year-old female, who died in a Dallas medical

                   facility during a surgery to correct an irregular heartbeat. The
                   defense was severely hampered when the patient’s surgeon later

                   accused the anesthesiologist of failing to monitor the patient’s
                   blood-oxygen levels for 15 to 20 minutes while surfing the web on

                   his phone. For this reason, many hospitals, clinics and practices

                   have restricted social media and internet access during work

                   While social media may enhance the ability of a practice to share
                   important educational and marketing information with the patient,

                   potential patient and their families at minimal cost, there are

                   associated risks. Before developing an online presence via social
                   media, it is wise to first develop a written Social Medial Policy for

                   the practice. This policy should include clear guidelines not only as

                   to content the practice uses, but also on what providers and staff
                   may post on their personal sites relative to the practice. The policy

                   should also address if and when the practice will permit an
                   employee to access social media during work hours and while at

                   the place of employment. All employees from the top to the bottom
                   should be required to review and sign the Social Media Policy.

                   Website and Online Advertising

                   The HIPAA Privacy Rule requires covered entities to obtain a
                   patient’s written authorization for uses and disclosers of protected

                   health information for purposes other than treatment, payment and

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