Page 45 - Golbang 197
P. 45

43            ایروتـکیو ناـیناریا نوناک یمسر همانلصف

                                                                                           1402 ید - 2023 ربماـسد -197 هرامــش

        Resilient Honiara                     communities.                         fostering a dialogue that transcends

        The artwork serves as a testament     The artwork illustrates the tangible   language barriers.
        to the sustained efforts in design    results of this collaborative initiative,   It encapsulates a journey of
        and planning, focusing on the         showcasing the establishment of      collaboration,  resilience,   and
        meaningful engagement with local      bamboo nurseries and the cultivation   transformation, ultimately revealing
        communities residing in informal      of vetiver grass in close partnership   a community-driven approach to
        settlements, particularly the Koah    with the community.  These natural   address the pressing challenges of

        Hill community, situated in the       resources serve as essential elements   environmental resilience and cultural
        heart of Honiara, the capital of the   in  the  creation  of  flood  mitigation   preservation. It showcases the power
        Solomon Islands.                      and the stabilization of riverbanks,   of  design  and  planning  in  shaping
        Over a five-year period, a dedicated   actions crucial in the face of the   a brighter future for the Koah Hill
        team of researchers from RMIT         annual heavy rains and seasonal      community, where nature-based
        University,   under   the   astute    floods that afflict this region.     solutions stand as beacons of hope
        leadership  of  Professor  Darryn     Beyond the practical aspects of this   and resilience.

        McEvoy from Melbourne, embarked       endeavor, the artwork eloquently     .
        on a transformative journey.  This    emphasises the profound connection
        journey was made possible through     between the work and the rich tapestry
        research  funding  provided  by  Un-  of local crafts and arts. This cultural
        Habitat, with the primary goal of     integration is not just symbolic;
        empowering and uplifting these        it stands as a genuine means of
        often overlooked and vulnerable       engaging with the community and
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