Page 1 - How do I Withdraw an Expense Report Summary
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Withdraw Expense Report

        How do I Withdraw an Expense Report?


        You may withdraw an Expense Report View for edits or deletion if the first approver has not taken action.  If
        the first approver has approved the Expense Report, only the current level approver may take action by
        sending back the report for edits or denying the report if you wish to delete it.


                                                                                                   Employee Self Service

               Navigator > Employee Self Service > Travel and Expense Center >                 Tile:

               Expense Reports > View

                                                                                                       Expense Reports
               The summary page can be viewed while creating an Expense Report, or under the View option. You must save your expense
               report before you can view the Summary page.

        Withdrawing an Expense Report


        1.  From the View search page, enter the appropriate search criteria. Empl ID (Employee ID Number)
            1214404 was used in this example.

        2.  Click the Search button.


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