Page 8 - What is the Workflow for Write Offs
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Write Off Debit and WO Workflow
Adding an Ad Hoc Reviewer or Approver
The Worksheet Routing Write Off Approval routing map allows the originator/submitter of the invoice to
insert an Ad Hoc preliminary approver or reviewer before the invoice is routed to General Accounts Receivable
(GAR) for approval. The Ad Hoc approver is usually the Billing Specialist. Oxford users will also have the ability
to insert Ad Hoc reviewers or approvers.
If selected Ad Hoc approvers do not have access to the AR Business Unit, they will receive the email and
worklist notifications, but will not be able to view the invoice.
GAR may add an additional Ad Hoc approver (assuming the approver is in the current Ad Hoc list) when
needed, such as when submitting a high-dollar write-off to a senior manager for review and/or approval.
Inserting an Ad Hoc Reviewer or Approver
1. Click the Plus sign located to the right of the Approval box if adding after AR Central (or to
the left of the Approval box if adding prior to AR Central).
The Insert additional approver or reviewer page displays.
2. Enter the User ID or click the Look Up User ID icon to search.
You must click twice in the User ID field.
3. Select Insert as: Approver or Reviewer.
Approver: Adds user to the workflow. Must approve before the write-off can be set to Batch Standard if routed
after BI Central; must approve before write-off can be approved by BI Central if added before BI Central.
Approval steps are the same as those defined above.
Reviewer: Not added to workflow. This is a view/courtesy step only; the invoice will be routed to BI Central for
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