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  Department PO Close Request How do I Close a Purchase Order?
When an order is placed in Emory Express, the Purchase Order (PO) amount is encumbered in Compass. This allows departments to set aside those funds when considering the budget balance. The encumbrance is alleviated when invoices are processed on the PO and marked payable to the supplier. The alleviated amount is equal to the invoice amount, allowing departments to determine our remaining financial obligation for the order. PO’s that have a partially invoiced or canceled status must be closed in order to fully alleviate the encumbrance in Compass.
Before you request the PO close in Emory Express you must ensure that all invoices are received and marked payable or paid. If the supplier has outstanding invoices, they should send them to Emoryu.invoices@edmgroup.com.
If the above step is met, you will then seek written confirmation from the supplier that they are paid in full and will not invoice Emory University for the remaining amount on the PO. When you receive that confirmation, proceed with the steps in this job aid to close the Purchase Order in Emory Express.
Orders > Search > Purchase Orders
Search for Open PO’s
 1. Enter the Purchase Order number.
2. ClicktheGOlookupglass.
3. Click the Purchase Order Number. If the Purchase Order appears on the initial Orders Search page, you may skip steps 1-2 and click directly on the number.
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