Page 2 - How do I Submit a NonCatalog Form
P. 2

Non-Catalog Form

        General Info
        Complete the General Information Section for the first item you plan to order.  Do not group unique products in a single
        form.  Doing so may result in order cancellation.

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        2.  *Enter the Product Description.
        3.  *Enter the Catalog No.

                    Enter “UNKNOWN” in the Catalog No. field if the product does not have a catalog number.

        4.  *Enter the Quantity.
        5.  *Enter the Confirmed Unit Price.

                    Suppliers are not authorized to ship items if the their price exceeds the requisition amount.  This may result in
                   fulfillment delays.
        6.   If applicable, check the Radioactive Health & Safety categories.

                    If you are ordering controlled substances, hazardous materials or radioactive materials, you are required to check the
                   boxes.  Products are automatically categorized if you order them through the Emory Express catalog or Punch-Out.

                    There are several requirements when ordering radioactive materials.  Failure to comply could result in loss of ordering
                   priveleges and permission to have materials in your lab.  For complete instructions on ordering radioactive materials,
                   please see the How do I Order Radiactive Materials? job aid.

        7.  If applicable, check the Capital Expense box.  Capital Equipment is an asset that has a lifespan of more than
            one year.  Emory’s practice is to track and tag capital equipment which is greater than or equal to $5000 in cost.

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