Page 3 - How do I Submit a NonCatalog Form
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Non-Catalog Form
Internal /External Attachments
8. Enter the Internal Notes for your Department Approvers or Strategic Procurement Services.
9. Click the Internal Attachments Add Attachments button to attach documentation relevant
to the purchase. Examples include contracts pending Strategic Procurement Services’ signature or any bids obtained
relating to the order. All documentation under Internal Attachments remain at Emory and do not dispatch with the order.
10. Enter the External Notes for the supplier.
11. Click the External Attachments Add Attachments button to attach the supplier quote.
Adding the Non-Catalog Form To Cart
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12. If this is the final item you are adding, choose the Add and go to Cart action. If you need to
add another item, choose the Add to Cart option.
13. Click the Go button. Repeat steps 3-10 if you are adding another item.
14. Complete the checkout and place the order process (not shown). For more information on the
checkout process, please review the How do I Complete the Checkout and Place Order Process? job aid.
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