Page 4 - How do I submit a workflow change request
P. 4

Department Approval Workflow Update Form

        Answering Workflow Questions

                                                                     1.  Answer the New Department
                         1                                         question.

                                                                     2.  Answer the Are you adding or
                                                                   changing current workflow level question.

                                                                     3.  Answer the Has this Department
                           1                                       been activated in Compass question. The

                                                                   department must be active in Compass before you can
                                                                   submit the change request.

                                2                                    4.  Answer the Capital Expense
                                                                   Question. If you answer yes, the Invoice will route to
                                                                   Asset Management for approval.
                              3                                      5.  Answer the Is this update/addition

                                                                   for a single department or multiple
                                                                   question.  Use the Emory Express Workflow Template
                                                                   for multiple departments.
                               4                                     6.  Enter the Department number that

                                                                   will follow the workflow requested.  This
                                                                   department will establish the Business Officer approval path.

                                5                                    7.   Attach the Workflow Template if
                                                                    you are requesting changes for more than

                                                                    one department.
                         1          6
                                                                      8.   Select the Approval Level(s) to be
                                                                    changed or added.

                                                                      9.  Enter the Level 1 minimum amount

                     6                                              required for approval.  Entering 0 will indicate all
                                                                    requests should stop at the designated level for approval.

                                       7                              10.  Enter the Level 1 approvers’ User ID.

                                                                      11.  Click the Next button.




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