Page 5 - Where to Go for help
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Finance Support Center


          Online Access:
          Phone Number:  7-7000 or 404-727-7000

          Mondays 9am-noon; Tuesday - Friday 9 am-noon and 1-3 pm

                   To better serve you, the Finance  Support Center

                   is focused on the following key areas:

                                  Providing a single contact for support resources

                                                Supporting User Success

                                     Designing efficient business processes and
                                                 improving response time

                                   Implementing a user friendly, customer-centric
                                 tool to assist in managing cases and interactions

       • Finance Support Team members were trained in PeopleSoft 9.2 and the new

          Finance Support Center tool, developing stronger skill sets among team members
          to better support you.

       • The Compass Community will receive instructions for contacting the Finance

          Support Center.

                                                                                                              Visit Us.

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