Page 50 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 50

Hip No.           Consigned by The Ranch Equine, Inc.   Hip No.
                                 43                      Embryo                          43
                                                                Colonels Smoking Gun  {  Colonelfourfreckle
                                                             {                    Katie Gun
                                                Colonels Shining Gun              Shining Spark
                                              {                 Shining Little Peach  {  Smart Peach
                              Embryo                                            {  Grays Starlight
                                                             {  Starlights Wrangler  Wranglers Connie
                                                Dun Wranglin
                                                2007            Indy Star Dun It  {  Hollywood Dun It
                                                                                  Lancetta Dixie
                              NOTES: Foal in utero eligible for NRHA & NRBC. Last BRED on  2/8/2021
                              By COLONELS SHINING GUN (AQHA/APHA)  (2007). $112,239: 9th NRHA
                                  Open Futurity; European NRHA Open Derby Champion; Poland Roleski
                                  Spin Reining Open Derby Champion; split 3rd Scottsdale Classic Open
                                  Reining Futurity; Italian RHA Open Maturity Reserve Champion. A 2020
                                  QData Top 25 Sire of Reining Money-Earners. Sire of 89 money-earners,
                                  14 AQHA point-earners, including NF SHINING WHIZ ($97,937: Italian
                                  RHA Open Futurity Co-Reserve Champion).
                              1st Dam
                              DUN WRANGLIN, by Starlights Wrangler. $13,032: finalist, NRHA Open Futurity &
                                  top 20 in the Int. Open; split 4th, One Hot Open Futurity & split 3rd in the Int.
                                  Open. Dam of 8 foals, 4 of performance age, no performers to date.
                              2nd Dam
                              Indy Star Dun It, by Hollywood Dun It. $4,742: Gordyville Breeders Reining Cup
                                  Non-Pro Reserve Champion; Carolina Classic Int. Non-Pro Derby Reserve
                                  Champion; 3rd, Congress Ladies Reining. Dam of--
                                MAGNUM DONE IT (Magnum Chic Dream). $14,819: split 3rd, Gordyville Bre-
                                   eders Cup Int. Open Derby; split 7th, Carolina Classic Int. Open Derby; Pards
                                   Advantage Open Novice Champion. Dam of--
                                  CORTEZ CONQUISTADOR. $33,127 & 50 points: Congress NRHA Non-Pro
                                   Reserve Champion; Oregon RHA Coughlin Auto Sr. Youth class winner;
                                   Buckeye Spring Bash Maturity Lvl 4 Non-Pro Champion; Youth Perf. ROM.
                                  Revolvingwithmagnum. $3,214 & 34 points: split 3rd, SWST RHA Limited
                                   Open Futurity; top 10, High Roller Classic Fut. Ltd Open; Open Perf. ROM.
                                  Conquistador LTD. $2,868 & 28 points: Mississippi RHA Summer Slide Non-
                                   Pro Novice class winner; Youth Performance ROM.
                                DUN WRANGLIN (Starlights Wrangler). Above.
                                Dun It Dually (Mister Nicadual). $7,495: 5th, NRHA Futurity $25,000 Limited Non-
                                  Pro; Tulsa Classic Non-Pro Futurity Co-Reserve Champion.
                                Major Indy Star (Major Vaquero). $4,287: 5th, Utah Open Futurity; Snake River
                                  Spring Reining Open class winner.
                                Not Just A Pistol (Custom Pistol). $3,023: NW RHA All Star Futurity Non-Pro
                                  Champion & Non-Pro Reserve Champion.
                                Nicadual Dunit (Mister Nicadual). $2,657 & 38.5 points: Best Little West Derby
                                  Limited Open class winner; Amateur Performance ROM.
                                Scarlet Star Pine (Great Red Pine). Dam of--
                                  Hollywood San Jo. $8,583: Carolina ABI Open Futurity Co-Reserve Cham-
                                   pion; Dorminy Plantation Int. Open Futurity Champion.
                                Mr Nicadul Dun It (Mister Nicadual). Dam of--
                                  Netflix N Chill. $4,338: 4th, Arizona Best of the West Futurity Lvl 1 Open; 7th,
                                   Mid Atlantic Classic Futurity Lvl 3 Open.             svp 10/21
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