Page 55 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 55

Hip No.               Consigned by Cam Essick           Hip No.
                                 48                      L O V E                         48
                                                      April 11, 2020 Bay Colt
                                                                Spooks Gotta Gun  {  Grays Starlight
                                                             {                    Katie Gun
                                                Spooks Gotta Whiz                 Topsail whiz
                                              {                 Prettywhizprettydoes  {  Blonde At The Bar
                              L O V E
                              6104839                           Smart Little Lena  {  Doc O’Lena
                                                Love Em N Lena {                  Smart Peppy
                                                2001            Slide Me Again  {  Isle Breeze
                                                                                  Starlet Showdown
                              NOTES: Genetic results pending. Enrolled in NRBC, NRHA.
                              By SPOOKS GOTTA WHIZ (AQHA/APHA) (2007). $346,715: NRHA Open
                                 Futurity Champion; NRBC Open Derby Champion; NRHA Open Derby
                                 Champion. 2020 #4 Leading Sire of Reining Money-Earners. NRHA Three
                                 Million Dollar Sire  Sire of the earners of $3,677,931.
                              1st dam
                              LOVE EM N LENA, by Smart  Little Lena.  $114,191:  NRCHA Open Futurity
                                 Reserve Champion: ID RCHA Open Snaffle Bit Futurity Champion; 5th, Fresno
                                 RCHA Open Futurity; split 5th, SW RCHA Open Derby;  Equi-Stat RCH All/Age
                                 #2 Open money-earner; NRCHA Futurity Open Prelim Fence Work Champion.
                                 Full sister to LENAS WRIGHT ON ($105,846: NRHA Open Futurity Cham-
                                 pion). Dam of the earners of 359,914, including--
                                LOVEYA (c. by Gunnatrashya). $131,861: finalist, NRHA Open Futurity; NRHA
                                 Limited Open Futurity Reserve Champion; SWST RHA Limited Open Futurity
                                 Co-Champion; split 5th, NRHA Intermediate Open Futurity; finalist,  NRHA
                                 Open Derby; Best in the West Non-Pro Derby Champion.
                                LOVENYA (c. by Gunnatrashya). $58,147: 5th, NRHA L3 Open Derby, finalist in
                                 the L4 Open; 2021 Cactus Reining Classic Lvl 3 Open Derby Champion; split
                                 3rd, Tulsa Reining Classic Open Futurity; finalist, NRHA Intermediate Open
                                 Derby & NRBC Intermediate Open Derby.
                                WHO LOVES YOU (c. by Walla Walla Whiz). $42,631: Reining by the Bay Non-
                                 Pro Derby Co-Reserve Champion; Rein for the Roses Non-Pro Derby Cham-
                                 pion; Cactus Int. Non-Pro Derby Champion, Res. Non-Pro; top 10, Reining by
                                 the Bay Open Derby; High Roller Reining Classic Derby Primetime Non-Pro
                                 Reserve Champion; NRHA Non-Pro Derby Co-Reserve Champion.
                                THE ONE TIME (c. by One Time Pepto). $35,456: split 5th, NRCHA Open Derby;
                                 6th, NSHA Open Futurity; finalist, NRCHA Open Futurity; 9.5 points.
                                LOVE EM N LEAVEM (c. by Peptoboonsmal). $30,274: finalist, NRHA Open
                                 Futurity; High Roller Classic Open Futurity Co-Reserve Champion.
                                PEPTALLBOONSMAL (c. by Peptoboonsmal). $24,565: Rein for the Roses
                                 Open Derby Co-Champion; 3rd, High Roller Classic Limited Non-Pro Derby
                                 Reserve Champion, 5th in the Non-Pro, 3rd in the Intermediate Non-Pro and
                                 Primetime Non-Pro Champion.
                                CAMMO (g. by Walla Walla Whiz). $12,616: finalist, NRHA Non-Pro & Intermedi-
                                 ate Non-Pro Futurities.
                                Cromeless (c. by Custom Crome). $6,349: E. PA RHA Summer Slide Novice
                                 Horse Open Champion; E. PA RHA No Foolin Novice Horse Open Co-
                                Bad To Thee Bone (c. by One Time Pepto). $6,250: 4th, High Roller Reining
                                 Classic Futurity L4 Non-Pro, 3rd in the L3 Non-Pro.   svp 10/21
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