Page 57 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 57
Hip No. Consigned by The Ranch Equine, Inc. Hip No.
50 Dun Wranglin 50
2007 Bay Mare
EARNER OF $13,032
A Sparkling Vintage { Shining Spark
{ Vintage Badger
Starlights Wrangler Mister Dual Pep
{ Lady Smoke Peppy { Smoky Tibar
Dun Wranglin
4954788 Hollywood Dun It { Grays Starlight
{ Wranglers Connie
Indy Star Dun It Hollywood Dun It
2007 Indy Star Dun It {
Lancetta Dixie
PERFORMANCE RECORD: $13,032: finalist, NRHA Open Futurity & top 20 in the
Int. Open; split 4th, One Hot Open Futurity & split 3rd in the Int. Open.
NOTES: 5 Panel Genetic Test N/N.
2014 Jag Chic Shines, c. by Shine Chic Shine.
2015 Vintage Dun Wright, g. by A Sparkling Vintage.
2016 Dun Wranglin Cats, f. by Solano Cat.
2017 Dun Ruffin It, g. by Ruff Spook.
2020 Dun Wearin Wranglers, c. by Gunnatrashya.
2020 Keepinupwiththejonez, c. by Traveln Jonez.
2021 Vintage Wranglers, f. by A Vintage Smoke.
2021 Sixx Figures, c. by Inferno Sixty Six.
By STARLIGHTS WRANGLER (1997). $128,811 NRHA: NRBC Open Derby
Champion; USET Festival of Champions Open Reining Reserve Cham-
pion; top 10, NRHA Open Derby. Sire of WHIZ N STARLIGHT (NRHA &
NRCHA $85,911: split 3rd, NRBC Intermediate Open Derby; Cactus Rein-
ing Classic Intermediate Open Derby Reserve Champion), CROSS STEP
WRANGLER (NRHA $72,189: North Central RHA Non-Pro Futurity Ch.).
1st Dam
Indy Star Dun It, by Hollywood Dun It. $4,742: Gordyville Breeders Reining Cup
Non-Pro Reserve Champion; Carolina Classic Int. Non-Pro Derby Reserve
Champion; 3rd, Congress Ladies Reining. Dam of--
MAGNUM DONE IT (Magnum Chic Dream). $14,819: split 3rd, Gordyville Bre-
eders Cup Int. Open Derby; split 7th, Carolina Classic Int. Open Derby; Pards
Advantage Open Novice Champion. Dam of--
CORTEZ CONQUISTADOR. $33,127 & 50 points: Congress NRHA Non-Pro
Reserve Champion; Oregon RHA Coughlin Auto Sr. Youth class winner;
Buckeye Spring Bash Maturity Lvl 4 Non-Pro Champion; Youth Perf. ROM.
Revolvingwithmagnum. $3,214 & 34 points: split 3rd, SWST RHA Limited
Open Futurity; top 10, High Roller Classic Fut. Ltd Open; Open Perf. ROM.
Conquistador LTD. $2,868 & 28 points: Mississippi RHA Summer Slide Non-
Pro Novice class winner; Youth Performance ROM.
DUN WRANGLIN (Starlights Wrangler). Reference.
Dun It Dually (Mister Nicadual). $7,495: 5th, NRHA Futurity $25,000 Limited Non-
Pro; Tulsa Classic Non-Pro Futurity Co-Reserve Champion.
Major Indy Star (Major Vaquero). $4,287: 5th, Utah Open Futurity; Snake River
Spring Reining Open class winner.
Not Just A Pistol (Custom Pistol). $3,023: NW RHA All Star Futurity Non-Pro
Champion & Non-Pro Reserve Champion. svp 10/21