Page 6 - Giving Tree Acres
P. 6

    Objective: Summarize current state fundraising model and operations
Review Fundraising Strategy Assess Data and Donor Pyramid
Assess Marketing & Communications Assets and Timelines Prospecting and research
Objective: Implement and optimize a moves management system
Determine weekly fundraising activity for relationship managers and focus on growing donor base
Create a Donor Journey Map (development cycle-based engagement strategy)
Develop communication assets to optimize efficiency of moves management (email templates, etc.)
Major Donor prospecting and research
Develop relevant marketing assets (social media, emails, letters, etc.) Learn and adjust to data trends during and post campaigns
Narrative review
Create and manage Grant calendar
Grant content creation
Work with development and program teams on funding opportunities Manage Grant, LOI submissions, and Reports
Project management
Integrate grant program into Salesforce to manage and track Deliverable:
Database Customization
Strategy and Recommendations on segmentation, reporting, and volunteers
Recommendation on Collect and analyze data
Deliverable: A complete database customized to your organization that helps direct day-to-day development work.
Review Historical Giving (Database & Donor Trends)
    Identify operational gaps
    Deliverable: Comprehensive set of recommendations and revised scope of work.
                     Major Donor Work
Annual Giving
Grant Writing
CRM Optimization
Event Planning
Objective: Engage existing donors and attract new ones with an event that upholds the organizations mission while maximizing profitability.
Sponsorship and Marketing Strategy. Production Timelines and Logistics.
Invitation creation, fulfillment, and mail. Sponsorship packet creation, fulfillment, and mail. Social Media Promotion and event campaign
Fundraising support
Staff and volunteer oversight. Develop speaking scripts and Run of Show
Deliverable: Help design an event to benefit the future success of your organization.
Total engagement expense Monthly fee
$67,250 $5,604
Determine and implement donor stewardship programs and opportunities
     Deliverable: Submit weekly list of donors & prospects to contact with customized objectives; review
 previous week of activity, maintain in CRM.
                Objective: Help create steady drumbeat of communication with donors and execute on two campaigns
    Help manage implementation and vendors (Mailchimp, Squarespace, mail house, etc.)
    Deliverable: Execute month-long campaign designed to build and engage a loyal base of donors.

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