Page 5 - Westmoreland Skate Park
P. 5

 The Need
Skateboarding has been gaining in popularity, and municipalities across the country have seen the benefits of providing safe, designated skateparks to protect skateboarders, concrete surfaces, and public property. Most skateboarding injuries/falls occur because of surface irregularities and collisions with motor vehicles or pedestrians. If no park is available, skateboarders tend to use whatever structures are available to them, even if there are “no skateboarding allowed” signs posted. According to the Tony Hawk Foundation: “Nuisance skateboarding is simply a reflection of an unmet recreational need.”
The Westmoreland Park Skatepark will:
Provide a safe haven for skateboarders and help protect the property of local government and businesses. Dwight C. Jones, the ex-mayor of Richmond, is quoted as saying, “If your town doesn’t have a skatepark, it is one.”
2. Promote an active lifestyle, no matter the age. At a time when youth are encouraged to get outside and be active, skateparks provide a great cardio workout. But skateboarding is not just for kids. “All ages are welcome. We want our users to include elementary, middle and high schoolers, as well as college students and adult skaters up into their 50s," says JR Juerta, Dallas Park and Recreation Board Member.
3. Provide an economic benefit. Historically skateparks have had a positive effect on the businesses surrounding the area. While skateparks with high visibility and ample community interaction are healthier environments, skateparks in challenging locations can often serve to activate an otherwise underutilized space.

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