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abilities across any task). By nature, casual inferencing reduces   multimodal AI to provide reasoned responses and understand
         complexity in decision-making, meaning it requires less data and  complex queries, and showcasing of adaptive learning in human
         power to deliver typically better performance. Active use cases   interactions). Yet the models are not fully autonomous, meaning
         are still relatively limited and tend to center on manufacturing,   they require human inputs to achieve goals (unlike agentic AI),
         life sciences, decision sciences, and the study of human   and do not yet integrate sensory information (from Internet-of-
         cognition and behavior.                               Things (IoT) devices, for example), telematics, or other sources
                                                               of augmented real-time data needed for decision-making.
         Agentic AI, which describes the development of increasingly
         autonomous "AI agents" that make decisions and execute tasks   Stepping into the unknown
         based on a set of provided instructions (see Podcast: Artificial   It is inevitable that other subjects will demand analysis over the
         Intelligence Insights, Episode 4: Agentic AI, Oct. 30, 2024). This   course of 2025, not least because 12 months is a long time in AI.
         advancement opens the door for AI to shift from meeting a   Our intention is to remain both proactive, through early
         problem by providing relevant data to formulating and enacting  identification and analysis of important (and high-potential) new
         solutions. As Microsoft put it, when it launched its generalist   trends and technological developments, and reactive, with
         agentic system Magentic-One: the difference is "between   forward-looking analysis of events as they unfold.
         generative AI recommending dinner options… (and an) agentic
                                                               As always, that analysis, including insights from our AI and sector
         assistant that can autonomously place your order and arrange
                                                               specialists, will be available across S&P Global's platforms and
         delivery." Agentic AI promises to reduce the complexity inherent   collated at our dedicated site: Artificial Intelligence Insights.
         in many systems, enabling better human decision-making and a   ____________________________________________
         focus on higher-value activities like creativity, leadership, and
         communication and clarification of decisions.         Miriam Fernández is a Director in the Analytical Innovation
                                                               team; Sudeep Kesh is the Chief Innovation Officer and  Paul
         Cognitive AI, which refers to AI being able to mimic human   Whitfield, Editorial Leader and Writer at S&P Global.
         cognitive functions such as reasoning, learning, and problem-
         solving--including by using cognitive computing structures   S&P Global is an ACB Preferred Solutions Provider.
         known as neuro-symbolic architecture that simulate human
         patterns of learning, reasoning, and understanding. We expect
         cognitive AI will follow the widespread adoption of agentic AI to
         become the next step in the technology's evolution. Recent
         multimodal virtual chatbots, such as ChatGPT-4o and its latest
         model o1 (designed to think more deeply before responding),
         have some features that qualify as cognitive AI (i.e., the use of

         The Arkansas Community Banker is published quarterly and read by over 2,000 community bank directors, CEO’s,
         presidents and  key management personnel in every community bank and thrift in Arkansas. Other reader groups
         include ACB Associate Members and Preferred Solutions Providers, as well as governmental and regulatory officials at
         the state and national levels. Each issue of the Arkansas Community Banker is filled with leading edge information that
         has a bearing on Arkansas’ banking and financial services industry environment. In addition to the hardcopy, the
         electronic format allows readers to archive issues of the  Arkansas Community Banker for training purposes and future
                                   Arkansas Community Banker  | 21 |  Winter 2025
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