Page 36 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 36

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   3 6

                         Litter with Kalbi, born July 11, 1910.


         101. Oktaїa

         Oktaїa (no explanation about the name) was born May 14, 1903, in El Aricha, Algiers.
         Bred by Caid Ya Ya Bel Abbis, parents not known. Sand with mask.
         She was owned by E. Vanaise (France).
         She had a litter with Kalbi on August 24, 1908, 5 dog and 6 bitches.
         In October 1909 she went to her new owner, Mr. Camman in Amsterdam.

         She was bred to Seth, without result.
         On July 11, 1910, she had another litter with Kalbi, 5 dogs, 2 bitches.
         On February 23, 1911, again with Kalbi, 3 dogs and 3 bitches.
         On March 11, 1913, with Caid, 2 bitches.
         She had to be put down due to incurable cancer on May 20, 1914.
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