Page 40 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 40

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   4 0

             Scheherazade and Caïd , September 24, 1916.           Show judge J. Opten holding, from left to right:
                                                                       Nagla, Scheherazade, Senoussi, Caïd.

        118. Caїd

        Dog, sand with mask. Owner: J. Opten.
        Litter with Oktaia, March 11, 1913, 2 bitches.
        Litter with Fatima (158), September 17, 1913,
        3 dogs and 2 bitches.
        Litter with Djoeara (70), October 16, 1913, 2

        dogs and 3 bitches (1 bitch died).
        Litter with Sadka (194), August 9, 1916, 6
        dogs and 2 bitches.
        August 1916 another owner: N.G.
        Litter with Benti v.d. Roumi (166), May 26,
        1917, 1 dog and 3 bitches.
        Litter with Benti v.d. Roumi (166) June 23,

        1918, 5 pups (3 dogs and 1 bitch are in the
        March 29, 1924, put down after he had a
        stroke in May 1923 and September 1923 and

        during the winter got increasingly weaker
        especially in the hind quarters. In the end
        he could not stand up from his basket
        anymore. He had to be helped to go to the                          Judge J. Opten with Caïd
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